
Neil Niewhoudt


'A Space Between', 'Imperial', and 'Notre Peau'

Dale Washkansky, Neil Niewhoudt and Maurice Mbikayi at AVA

Dale Washkansky presents 'A Space Between' in the Main gallery. As Washkansky locates himself in relation to the holocaust, his photographic works remind us to consider the individual within the enormity of genocide. Landscapes photographed by Washkansky in 2008 at two former concentration camps in Germany (Buchenwald and Ravensbrück) are exhibited in relation to cyanotype prints on springbok hides . The different photographic material utilised amplifies the contrast of reality and memory, personal stories within public histories.

Maurice Mbikayi employs the Long gallery with 'Notre Peau (Our Skin)'.  Mbikayi investigates the effects of technology on identity and history whilst unpacking the various ways in which the technological revolution has both positively and negatively impacted on Africa. Evocative portraits are created out of discarded technology; computer matter becomes skin as cell phones become hearts.

Neil Nieuwoudt employs the Artstrip with a mixed media body of work entitled 'Imperial'. Nieuwoudt plays with materiality, line and colour in his collage and animation works, which are reminiscent of the Rorschach test in their abstraction and conceptual parameters.

24 January 2011 - 18 February 2011