Yard (*Working Title)
Organised by ALMA MARTHA and Heinrich Groenewald
In Collaboration with Erf 81, Tamboerskloof, Cape Town
A site-specific 7-day workshop with 6 – 8 local and international artists to live on site and work with the community who live there.
Information Evening and Site Visit:
Friday January 6th from 6 – 9pm.
Come for an informal evening and dinner with the community of the farm and the organising team. All questions and concerns will be addressed.
Applications due Thursday January 12th at 5pm
Announcement of Participating Artists Saturday January 14th
Opening Ceremony and Welcome Brunch – open to all:
Sunday February 12th 10am until 1pm
Throughout the week there will be artist presentations and invited guests for 1 – 2 hours max followed by dinner. This is open to the public and all are welcome to attend.
Open Day to visit artworks and site-specific interventions:
Sunday February 19th 11am – 7pm
*A list of performance times and walkabouts will be made closer to the date.
This land is your land, this land is my land. Yes, we know, bad humour.
In actuality discussions around land reform and property ownership now axis a way forward in South Africa.
A lot of people want their land back!
And now the military wants Erf 81 back…
ALMA MARTHA has found the Erf 81 farm one of the most beautiful hidden and treasured spots in Cape Town. AM and Heinrich have had several conversations with the people who live and work on the land. They are excited at the possibility to collaborate and work with the artists. This can manifest in whichever way works for the shared experience and with respect to those who call it home. Through actually living on site for a short period of 7 days, we simply want to experiment, play and work together. Land in South Africa is an undeniable umbrella topic but artists are also encouraged to be specific and be present in the place itself. They do not need to make a finished artwork or performance but rather it is a process oriented residency. #artistssummercamp #slightlyhippie #butnotatechnoparty
The artists will sleep in tents or in the barracks on the property and cook together. There will be a list of cooking and cleaning duties. The amenities will be basic. The artists are expected to spend the majority of the time on site – however, due to the heat, from 12 – 4pm is free to do what they please. We expect artists to be responsible and respectful. #goeswithoutsaying
About the location: Erf 81 was originally built by the military in the 1890’s to store magazines and artillery. After being left abandoned, Erf 81 has been occupied by a community of people since 1995. Now the land sprouts with an abundance of life. Farm animals and children are seen running through organic croplands and playing in tree houses. Many artists also live on the land and over weekends the farm hosts a food and craft market. However, since 2011 an eviction threat has pressured the residents of Erf 81 to vacate the land. Publicly funded legal appeals have since tirelessly attempted to revoke the eviction. These matters are still pending.
*Please note this concept is a work in progress which will be developed with participating artists and the people of Erf 81.
What the residency offers:
Food (lunch / breakfast / dinner) and drinks (coffee / tea / water) will be provided by ALMA MARTHA – which must be prepared for by the participants. (This does not include alcohol.) Basic amenities and sleeping arrangements will be provided. Transportation and personal expenses must be paid for by the artists. Materials should be used from the space itself and AM will support in whichever way possible. If there are concerns about funding for the week ALMA MARTHA will write letters of support and if need be cover some transportation expenses upon requests.
APPLICATION: Please email the following to: kazoo.liveart@gmail.com
Short Motivation
CV / Bio
Documentation of works in a PDF
Jury: Juliana Irene Smith (ALMA MARTHA), Heinrich Groenewald, Sinazo Charlie Chiya, Omar Badsha, and Zipho Dayile