Exhibition Opening, Saturday, 2 September 2017
from 6.30pm at ROOM Gallery & Projects
ROOM is pleased to announce the solo presentation of a multimedia body of work by Kitso Lynn Lelliott, titled I was her and she was me and those we might become.
In the pexhibition, the artist interrogates the philosophical underpinnings and ontological construct of race that emerged during the European Imperial era, which in turn have resulted in the production of an ”Othering” using hegemonic colonial languages. Her research further elaborates into the perpetuation of the idea of “racially marked beings” with the associated violent omissions, erasure and deletion of knowledges carried in diverse languages.
The artist explores her contestation of these predominant narratives utilizing the language of the ghostly to allude to a sense of simultaneous presence and absence of elided knowledge and histories. By making the processes of erasure visible she achieves this by referencing history, imagining, mythology, memory and a multitude of ancestral histories, thus utilizing a multi-epistemological approach to knowledge in relation to de-colonial accounts of history.
Duration of exhibition 2 September – 14 October 2017