Lloyd Pollak
The Paradox of Max Wolpe
Funny Not Funny: Fanie Buys’ ‘This Man’
Movement Ensnared: Pierre Fouché’s ‘Vreesaanjaende Verligting’
A Sisyphean Push: Jody Paulsen’s ‘Pushing Thirty’
Fissures: ‘Negative Space’ at Whatiftheworld
Work, work, work: ‘Women’s Work’ at ISANG
The Many Atkinsons: Kevin Atkinson’s ‘Re-opening Plato’s Cave’
Bracketing Realism and Abstraction: Deborah Poynton’s ‘Picnic’
Monochromatic polymorphism: Barend De Wet’s ‘Black, White and Everything In-Between’
The Queen of Titivation and Prink: Georgina Gratrix’s ‘Puppy Love’
Colour, Blur, Memory: Kate Gottgens’ ‘Infinite Loop’
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