New Media
The Lives of Others: Gabrielle Goliath’s ‘This song is for…’
Salem’s Lot: Simon Gush’s ‘Welcome to Frontier Country’
Necessary Discussions: Sue Williamson’s ‘That particular morning’
Rebirth and Recalibration: Nobukho Nqaba’s ‘Izicwangciso Zezethu’
Curious Celestial Phenomena: Scott Eric Williams and Friend’s ‘Portals’
Mode of Mutuality: Io Makandal’s ‘Life in the entropics’
Site of Memory: Berni Searle’s ‘A Place in the Sun’
Subjective Nationhood: ‘The Botswana Pavilion: No Return’ at Gallery MOMO
Deadly Tranquility: Olivié Keck’s ‘Drop Dead Gorgeous’
Methodologies of Creative Practice: ‘Still Life & Life Drawings’ at ISANG
Old Masters / New Realities and the Future of TMRW Gallery
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