This is a free space for the exchange of information of general interest to artists. ArtThrob reserves the right to edit contributions.
Art educators' workshop
The Art Educators Association (AEA) invites you to a workshop to discuss our publication, The Art Paper. The meeting will be held at the Johannesburg Art Gallery, Joubert Park, on May 8 from 10am to 1.30pm.
The Art Paper is a rapidly growing bi-monthly publication (published by the Art Educators Association) which aims to stimulate and promote a creative approach to arts education. While the Paper is distributed mostly in Gauteng, strong links have also been established with readers in other provinces and neighboring countries. In Gauteng, The Art Paper currently reaches all primary schools, all secondary schools offering art, galleries, libraries and arts organisations. On a national level the Paper reaches all tertiary institutions offering art, as well as a variety of arts organisations and individual subscribers.
The content of The Art Paper caters for a wide range of readers. Material directly useful to teachers is of primary importance. Valuable resource material is published in the form of lesson aids, resource directories, and interviews with artists and educators. The activities of arts organisations are promoted through reports and articles on innovative projects. Further Art Paper content includes book reviews, exhibition reviews and events listings.
Our readers must play an active role in the development of The Art Paper. It is essential that the Paper becomes the channel for a constant exchange of thought. The AEA would like to see The Art Paper grow into a binding force, connecting a vast number of people who have a vested interest in the arts and arts education in South Africa.
For this to happen, we need the support of teachers, students, artists, curators, educators, arts organisations and anyone who feels the necessity for development in the arts. We need our readers to express to us their opinions, needs, and ideas.
The AEA is hosting an informal meeting to discuss The Art Paper with our readers. We will be discussing the following topics:
1. The history and potential of The Art Paper.
A light tea will be served.
RSVP: Mocke Janse van Veuren Tel/fax: (011) 725-2420; mobile: 083-284-4005.
Cape Town Month of Photography From: Geoff Grundlingh Participation is invited in the first ever Cape Town Month of Photography, which will form part of the Cape Town Heritage Festival scheduled for launch on September 24. The title of this first Month of Photography is a nicely cryptic '100XtheC' (where 100 is the number of events and exhibitions but could also indicate 100 years, etc). "theC" may be read as the sea or to see or Cape Town etc. The title is clearly open to a wide range of diverse interpretations. There will be 100 exhibitions all around the city, from Cape Point to Melkbos, in galleries and other venues which may include laundromats, fish shops, the beachfront, virtual shows on the web, publications, etc, and may consist of multi-media, digital, photo-installations or live exhibitions. The Month of Photography will be staged every alternate year and will hopefully become the showcase for the best Southern Africa has to offer. The curatorial committee for 1999 consists of Geoff Grundingh, Lien Botha and Berni Searle, who will handle the bulk of the applications. Please submit: 1) An idea or concept or outline or working prints or slides for an exhibition to be mounted in the greater Cape Town area (it can be either a solo or a group show, and students and staff of photographic institutions are welcome to participate). You can e-mail your proposal to camera@dockside.co.za, or fax it to (021) 480-7108 detailing the number of participants, the physical and conceptual details of the proposed exhibition, including venue, a brief budget and opening date. 2) Potential exhibitors will be expected to find their own exhibition space. The Centre has booked several venues in Cape Town for some events but we would like to encourage potential participants to use alternative venues. We will help non-Capetonians to find suitable spaces and assist where possible with logistical problems. 3) We plan several opening functions around September 24 (Heritage Day) to mark the launch of the Month of Photography. Proposed exhibitions may open as early as September 20 and the support systems will run until October 16. We will print for distribution a map showing every exhibition location and photographer. Closing date for submissions is June 15. The final list of participants will be announced on July 1. We hope to offer these participants financial support to mount their exhibitions but this will depend on how much we manage to raise for the Month of Photography. Potential sponsors should contact Lien Botha at (021) 447-8518 or Geoff Grundlingh on 082-490-2459. The postal address for submissions is: 100XtheC, Cape Town Month of Photography, South African Centre for Photography, 31-37 Orange Street, Gardens 8001.
A draft programme has been drawn up for a conference to take place in Cape Town from July 14-17 entitled 'Encounters with Photography: Photographing People in Southern Africa, 1860 to 1999'. The conference will encompass presentations on the subject by more than 20 overseas visitors, and an equal number of South Africans. Provisional programme
Wednesday, July 14 1999
Thursday, July 15 1999
Friday, July 16 1999
Saturday July 17 1999 Inquiries can be directed to Geoff Grundlingh at camera@dockside.co.za.
The South African Network of Arts Therapies Organisations is presenting 'Raiders of the Lost Arts - An Expedition to Recover the Creative Self'. The programme covers a day of experiential workshops led by art, drama, movement and music therapists to be held on Saturday, May 15, and a series of weekly lectures starting on May 20. 'Raiders I', the day of experiential workshops, will begin at 9.30am; the venue is the Annexe, South African National Gallery, Government Avenue, Cape Town, and the cost is R150. The lecture series will be held at the Kenilworth Medi-Centre, Kenilworth Road, Kenilworth, on May 20, 27, June 3 and June 10, starting at 7pm. Donation: R10. More info, call Liz on (021) 448 0743 or Natalie on (021) 448 8795.
Meetings of the Black Arts Collective (BLAC) take place on the first Tuesday of the month at 5.30pm at The Granary, Buitenkant Street, Cape Town (opposite Cape College). BLAC was initiated in late 1998 for the purposes of building discourse around South African art and heritage with particular reference to black people. BLAC encourages networking and the development of projects between people who attend its meetings, but as yet does not have the capacity to initiate, financially support or manage projects. Meetings are open to all who see themselves as black. For the purposes of the collective and its activities, black refers to people who were marginalised/dispossessed on the basis of race by the apartheid government. Its fundamental reason for being is to aid in the empowerment of black artists, heritage workers, academics and arts administrators towards an African, South African and Cape Town aesthetic. Arts refers broadly to all media: visual, performance, literary, video, fashion etc. Each session will feature a short 10-minute input by a Capetonian arts/heritage worker, and/or an input by a guest speaker on some topic of interest, followed by a 30-40 minute discussion. Important news will also be shared. The next meeting will take place at The Granary on Tuesday, June 1 at 5.30pm, and the guest speaker will be Mike van Graan, co-ordinator of the One City Festival (due to open on September 24 1999) Mike is an arts manager of note who has served as advisor to the minister in arts, and has been involved at a senior level in arts programmes in Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg. He presently runs a consultancy in arts management. Please diarise the following meeting dates, speakers still to be confirmed: July 6, August 3, September 7, October 5 - Guest: Vusabantu Ngema (dance practitioner), November 2, December 7. BLAC is managed by ONE. Contact Zayd Minty at 465-4996 or e-mail one@intekom.co.za.
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