Creative Nestlings presents The Rise of Young Black/Brown Photographers a series that focuses on photography as a medium of expression and its role in society.
Each episode takes place in a different city featuring 5 local young photographers sharing their journeys, experiences & works through a panel + audience conversation, a mini photo exhibition and a short film.
The idea of the series was sparked by the need for Africans to tell their stories & the rise of youth movements in South Africa and the documentation that came out of it.
The series is in partnership with African Lens, Blacknation, African Digital Art.
For episode 1 Join us at #TheNESTSpace, the official home of Creative Nestlings, for an epic afternoon of storytelling with young African photographers Nigel Zhuwaki, Tsoku Maela, Rizqah Dollie, Thembela “Nymless” Ngayi & Neo Mokgosi.
Event Details
What: The Rise of Young Black/Brown Photographers Series Episode 1, a Creative Nestlings project that celebrates the work and creativity of young African storytellers.
Date: Saturday, 30 January, 12 pm – 3pm
Where: The NEST Space, 129 Longmarket Street, Cape Town
Entrance: Free
Details: Panel Talk – The role of photography & black/brown photographers in modern day society.
Facebook Event:
For further information, contact Ben Moyo at