Big Kids (13+)
Morning (9am-12pm) | Monotype
Kids will be creating colourful, gestural, painterly prints. We will cover additive and subtractive methods in this fun spontaneous way of creating images through print. We will have a range of fun imagery to use as references but you are welcome to bring along your own.
Please bring apron if you have otherwise we will provide.
Afternoon (1-4pm) | Linocut
Learn to carve your own design into linoleum blocks, then ink them up and print them in your favourite colour. We will have a range of fun imagery to use as references but you are welcome to bring along your own.
Please bring an apron if you have otherwise we will provide.
Littlies (6-12yrs)
Morning (9am-12pm) | Monotype
Kids will be creating colourful, gestural, painterly prints.We will cover additive and subtractive methods in this fun spontaneous way of creating images. We will have a range of fun imagery as inspiration.
Please bring an apron if you have otherwise we will provide.
Afternoon (1-4pm) | Object printing
Using colourful inks we will find interesting objects and textures to create and print your own world.
Please bring an apron if you have otherwise we will provide.
All materials, a snack and juice will be provided. Please bring along your own packed lunch.