EMBRACE TIGER & RETURN TO MOUNTAIN is a tai chi movement. It is also a book, a ballet and even an opera preformed in Stockholm in 1971. An artist friend told us that Brian Eno’s second album was titled ‘Taking Tiger Mountain (by Strategy.)’
EMBRACE TIGER – do not be afraid, take risks, live life and be bold, fear not the adventure, the struggle, the fight and the beauty of the danger. Go and live.
And RETURN TO MOUNTAIN – the mountain is home, is earth, the cave it holds, the hearth and the mother. It is peace and stability and it is where one returns.
Yes, it is romantic and slightly hippie, but with all the bad in the world, in our neighborhoods even, our day- to-day battles, this exhibition wraps its arms around romanticism, idealism and says, back off skepticism. There is no place for you irony (even though we love you.)
ALMA MARTHA is exhibiting in an open-minded welcoming church, the Central Methodist Church, in the center of Cape Town. The emerging artists Gitte Moller, Unathi Mkonto, Antonia Brown and Thuli Gamedze have been asked to use their practice to focus on artworks that emphasize the daring, the tiger in them and use the backdrop of not just the literal church, but of community as a way to represent and challenge notions of comfort and welcome.