Student Review
Student Review: Putting the Love in Revolution [MATING BIRDS Vol.2]
Student Review: The Art is Political [MATING BIRDS Vol.2]
Student Review: ‘PEER’ at SMAC Gallery
Student Review: Kiluanji Kia Henda’s ‘In the Days of a Dark Safari’
Student Review: ‘A Continent Beyond’ at Gallery MOMO
Student Review: Kyle Morland’s ‘Assemble’
Student Review: Wim Botha at Stevenson
Student Review: Igshaan Adams’ ‘Oorskot’
Student Review: Larita Engelbretcht’s ‘Met Ander Oë’
Student Review: Jill Trappler and Eunice Geustyn’s ‘Half Light and Shadow ’
Student Review: ‘The Quiet Violence of Dreams’
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