3rd Synchronised Running Club Run
by Sober & Lonely
27 November 5pm JHB (3pm GMT)
Distance: 5km
Route: Sober & Lonely invites you to our 3rd Synchronised Running Club Run.
To make it more accessible to more people, we invite everyone to run together at the same time, from wherever you might be in the world. We propose you leave from where you are at the time agreed, heading in a southerly direction, preferably towards or nearby water. We propose you run approximately 2.5km before heading home, but of course you’re welcome to keep going until you can’t anymore. We hope to telepathically share thoughts and feelings with you while running.
This 3rd Sober & Lonely Synchronised Running Club Run is organised as part of the Northern Winter Workshops.
If you’re interested to join, send your phone number to +27 71 390 2298. We’ll start a WhatsApp group in case anyone wants to connect IRL, or share pictures, thoughts, and news from their run. There are synchronised runs rumoured to be taking place in towns and cities in South Africa, Norway, the UK and Kenya for now.