Opposites Attract: ‘I have made a place’ at Norval Foundation

An Ethereal Lunar Songbook: Athi-Patra Ruga’s ‘iiNyanga Zonyaka’

Physiological Space and Psychological Space: ‘I have made a place’ at Norval Foundation

Hope and Nature: ‘I have made a place’ at Norval Foundation

More than just a 3D Portrait: Georgina Gratrix’s ‘The Reunion’

My Home and Your Home: ‘I have made a place’ at Norval Foundation

The Difference Between Losing and Getting Lost: Willem Boshoff’s ‘Word Woes’

Spiritual Cleansing: Pardon Mapondera’s ‘Hutsanana’

Erasure and Clarity: Jean Brundrit’s ‘Over the Horizon’

Refreshing mix: Christiaan Conradie’s ‘Against A Narrow Heart’

Buffering between past and present: Callan Grecia’s ‘A Percy Shelly poem from Rome’
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