Moshekwa Langa
Subverted structures: ‘Customs’ at A4
To cry at nothing but pixels: ‘My whole body changed into something else’ at Stevenson
Beauty and Prisons: ‘I have made a place’ at Norval Foundation
Impossible Encounters: ‘Territories Between Us’ at ISANG
Unstuck Segues: Moshekwa Langa’s ‘Tropic of Capricorn’
Art-Binge: Joburg, November/ December 2018
Mining Memories for Meaning: Moshekwa Langa’s ‘Fugitive’
Art-Binge: Joburg, August/September 2017 Mega-binge
Art Basel & LISTE 2016
Art-Binge: Joburg, May 2016
Student Review: Moshekwa Langa’s ‘Ellipses’
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